Jamaica: la troupe de danza «Wolmers» celebra 25 años


The Wolmer’s Dance Troupe is celebrating its 25th anniversary and according to the group’s artistic director, Barbara McDaniel, the festivities will be big.

The acclaimed dance troupe began celebrating their 25th season of dance back in April and has had several activities commemorating the historic occasion over the past few months. The celebrations will culminate on the weekend of September 25th with three grand shows. Dubbed ‘Rites of Passage’, the show will be held at the Little Theatre and will run from Friday, September 25 through to Sunday, September 27. The show is expected to feature all the dancers from the group from ages 3-17. «All our dancers will be in the show,» said McDaniel. «They have been preparing hard for this show and have been in rehearsals since July. They are excited to display their talent and intend to put on an unforgettable show.»

McDaniel revealed that the show will feature works from choreographers such as Onaje Bell, Kamika Reid and David Blake, among others, and is expected to be a compilation of pieces done throughout their 25-year legacy. «The show will feature some of our older work and will be a display of the development of the Wolmer’s Dance Troupe from the year it started to now. It will show what we’ve done over these 25 years and will show why we have survived for as long as we have.»

The artistic director, who is also a choreographer, said she was proud of the group’s many accomplishments to date and is looking forward to what is to come as they continue to grow. «It is a tremendous accomplishment to have done this for 25 years. There have been challenges, but we survived everything and never thought of stopping or taking a break. We feel very accomplished and look forward to more great things to come in the future.» She also credited the group’s survival to strong support from Jamaica and encouraged everyone to come out and celebrate with them next week. «We are looking forward to putting on a great show for you and invite you all to come out and enjoy,» she said. The show on Friday starts at 8 p.m., and tickets are $1,500. On Saturday, the tickets will go for $2,000. The show starts at 8 p.m., and cocktails at 7 p.m. On Sunday, the show starts at 5 p.m., and the tickets are $1,500. There are special group rates available. Persons are encouraged to take advantage of the discounted rates by calling the Wolmer’s Preparatory School to enquire.

Publicado en Jamaica Gleaner
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