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Peter Tosh, el reggae de la liberación

Lejos del paz y amor, Peter Tosh sostenía, en sus letras y declaraciones, que los oprimidos y explotados de este sistema debían organizarse y luchar para conseguir transformarlo, la canción Equal Rights proclama: “No quiero ninguna paz.…

Las rutas de la cultura en Jamaica

Last weekend, I found myself repeatedly being reminded of something the eminent social and cultural theorist Stuart Hall was fond of saying about identity and culture: "If you think of culture always as a return to roots - R-O-O-T-S -…

Celebrar el orgullo jamaiquino

The beginning of August is usually reserved for celebrating Jamaica Emancipation and Independence. For the last three years, this time of year is also when LGBT Jamaicans celebrate Pride. Pride is a celebration of the progress that the…

Burunbanda: Sátira política en Puerto Rico

Nacido en Escocia y criado en Londres, el fotógrafo Ivar Wigan busca abordar escenas narrativas y de retratos con una sensibilidad llena de matices a través de imágenes de momentos íntimos y sus interacciones con su entorno. En su trabajo,…

Jamaica: una cultura en transformación

It is strange and somewhat frightening how our ideas about self, society, gender relations, masculinity, politics, culture, and indeed, the world has changed over time. Recently, a colleague and I had a discussion surrounding some of the…

Desteñirse la piel

El hábito de las mujeres negras de desteñir su piel con productos cosméticos no es más que el resultado del racismo sistemático ejercido sobre sus cuerpos a lo largo de la historia

Retrospectiva del arte jamaiquino

Jamaican art has never been as experimental as that to be found in – say – Cuba, its neighboring island in the Greater Antilles. Cuban art reached out to the Modernist Movement almost as soon as it began. And Cuba has always had links to…