Crean en Jamaica «Clubes de Cultura»


Schools, organisations and institutions are being encouraged to establish Culture Clubs, by the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission (JCDC).

Regional Manager, JCDC Eastern Region, David Reid, said Culture Clubs provide the medium through which the development of the arts can be sustained and a channel through which the creative talents and skills of Jamaicans can be identified, developed and promoted.

He is advising persons who wish to set up Culture Clubs to contact the JCDC’s head office, 3-5 Phoenix Avenue, Kingston 10, or its parish offices for assistance. Clubs are required to complete the official ‘Culture Club Registration Form’ provided by the JCDC and must have a minimum of 10 registered persons.

“We ask that the clubs be set up similar to all other clubs with their officers, including a president, vice president, secretary and treasurer,” he told JIS News.
He added that the JCDC has been working with various associations in housing schemes to establish culture clubs in their communities.

“We want to encourage everybody to get involved in Jamaican culture. We want our culture-club members to participate in various cultural activities, so that they can get a greater understanding and appreciation of Jamaican culture,” he said.

Mr. Reid explained that existing clubs should also re-register each year in order to remain active, noting that there are more than 250 registered clubs islandwide, with 52 in the eastern region, comprising St. Thomas, Kingston and St. Andrew, and St. Catherine.

The Regional Manager said that club members must be familiar with Jamaican emblems and symbols, such as the National Flag, the National Anthem, the National Pledge and the National Motto.

He said that members must also be cultural practitioners, and while it is desirous that they participate in all activities of the JCDC, they should at least enter one area of the Arts Development competitions and attend or participate in at least one civic event each year.

Additionally, he said that club members must be encouraged to observe Jamaica’s cultural practices.

Mr. Reid noted that club members will be issued with cultural passports which will allow them to attend museums, places of cultural interest and cultural events associated with the JCDC, some at a reduced cost.

Publicado en JIS
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